News Archive
- Editorial: Sky Sports Monopoly - 15 May 2017
- Editorial: Kiwi League Players hit the Cocaine - 02 February 2017
- Letters to Editor: Our 'voice'? - 15 May 2017
- Letters to Editor: Sports coverage - 08 February 2017
- Letters to Editor: Pronounced Difficulty - 04 February 2017
- Editorial: Advertisers Hijack Your Right To Watch What You Want To - 02 February 2017
- Editorial: Broadcasting Standards - 16 July 2016
- Should you stalk your child's smartphone? - 08 March 2016
- Deborah Hill Cone: None but the brave will face up to an addiction to porn - 07 March 2016
- Simon Adamson: Can you really be addicted to pornography? - 07 March 2016
- Nick Willis brings New Zealand into global discussion on porn - 07 March 2016
- Olympic star Nick Willis on the real victims of his pornography addiction - Women - 07 March 2016
- New Zealand Olympic running star Nick Willis opens up on pornography addiction - 06 March 2016
- Press Statement: Commercials - 02 March 2016
- Editorial: Surely We Can Do Better Than This? Part2 - 16 September 2015
- Editorial: Surely We Can Do Better Than This? Part1 - 15 September 2015
- Welcome to parenting in a digital world - 21 July 2015
- Ousted Reddit CEO Ellen Pao: Trolls are winning the battle for the internet - 20 July 2015
- How best to protect your employees from internet trolls - 14 July 2015
- U.K. police struggle to curb internet trolls despite tougher laws - 14 July 2015
- Call of Duty linked to increased risk of Alzheimer's disease - 20 May 2015
- Did Ron Mark just say that? - 20 May 2015
- Predators targetting children via smartphone apps - 19 May 2015
- 10 Strategies to Help Kids Use Smartphones Wisely and Prevent Cyberbullying - 17 April 2015
- Concern TeenSafe app spying on kids - 17 April 2015
- Internet pages with child sex abuse have risen by a shocking 137% in a year - 14 April 2015
- Editorial: Beware Viewer! - 05 March 2015
- Media Matters in NZ is 21 years old - March 2015
- Parents urged to limit child screen time - 09 February 2015
- Report Calls For Screen Time Guidelines for Children - 09 February 2015
- Family First: 50 Shades 'glamorises sexual violence' - 08 February 2015
- Boycott '50 Shades' Movie, Donate to Victims Instead - 07 February 2015
- Twitter admits failing users on abuse - 06 February 2015
- Worst passwords of 2014 revealed: SplashData - 05 February 2015
- The Warehouse takes R18 entertainment off the shelves - 24 November 2014
- Outrage over graphic sex scenes in GTA V - 20 November 2014
- Keeping kids safe online more difficult - 15 November 2014
- Schools eye special bags for phone evidence - 13 November 2014
- Rapper Redfoo defends 'most sexist song of the year' - 12 November 2014
- Rachel Smalley 'lardos' complaint rejected - 15 September 2014
- Apple guru kept his kids away from iPads - 13 September 2014
- Dealing with Unwanted Calls and Text Messages - September 2014
- Editorial: Politics - 25 August 2014
- How much TV do our children watch? - 31 July 2014
- Open Thread: How much screen time is too much for your kids? - 29 July 2014
- Children hide internet use from parents, study shows - 28 July 2014
- TV Background Noise Harms Children's Development; Some Educational Programs OK - 28 July 2014
- Cybercrime: how to help our children - 16 June 2014
- 'Thin-shaming' Instagram trend slammed by body image experts - 13 June 2014
- Kiwis spy on partners more than kids - 05 June 2014
- Kids online a challenge for parents - 04 June 2014
- David Cameron and MPs support internet child safety campaign - 13 May 2014
- Major [UK] ISPs launch child internet safety campaign - 13 May 2014
- Technology not to blame for teen woes - 08 May 2014
- Cut TV ads aimed at kids - researchers - 27 April 2014
- Children's TV viewing habits linked to 'junk food' consumption - 25 April 2014
- Technology separating children from families - 23 April 2014
- Children lose seven minutes of sleep for every hour of TV - 18 April 2014
- Editorial: Booze is news - and not in a good way - 16 March 2014
- Charlotte's tangled web - 01 March 2014
- Stars take on bullies after Charlotte Dawson's death - 25 February 2014
- Friends launch Charlotte's Law petition - 24 February 2014
- Editorial: We Are Not Amused - 29 January 2014
- Court to decide on child porn victim restitution - 21 January 2014
- Predators 'sextorting' kids online - 20 January 2014
- Tots get thumbs up for touch screens - 18 January 2014
- Letter from Stella Watson - January 2014