How to complain

Don't Moan ... Get on the Phone

A list for media consumers who wish to be heard....
(Many broadcasters now have CALLER DISPLAY. So, to withhold your number when making a call, dial 0197 before the number being dialed.)

Television NZ

Ph (09) 916 7000


Ph (09) 916 7001

PO Box 3819

Ph (09) 916 7002
Fax (09) 916 6864

TV3 & TV4
Private Bag 92624

Ph (09) 377 9730
Fax (09) 366 5999

Sky TV
PO Box 9059

Ph 0800 759 759 (Press '0')
Fax (09) 525 8355

Prime TV
Private Bag 302 193
North Harbour

Ph 0800 774 638
Fax (09) 414 0701

Radio New Zealand
PO Box 2209

Ph (04) 474 1999
Fax (04) 474 1459

Broadcasting Standards Authority
PO Box 9213

Ph (04) 382 9508
Fax (04) 382 9543

New Zealand on Air
PO Box 9744

Ph (04) 382 9524
Fax (04) 382 9546

Office of Film and Literature Classification
P0 Box 1999

Ph (04) 471 6770
Fax (04) 471 6781

Advertising Standards Authority and Complaints Board
PO Box 10675

Ph (04) 472 7852
Fax (04) 471 1785

Media Matters Inc
PO Box 31618
Lower Hutt 5040

Ph (04) 566 3175

Commissioner for Children
PO Box 5610

Ph (04) 471 1410, or
0800 224 4453
Fax (04) 471 1418

The BSA is looking for feedback

From the BSA Quarterly January 2004: The Broadcasting Standards Authority can impose an order on a broadcaster when a complaint is upheld. For example, an order could be to broadcast an on-air apology, or to pay costs to the Crown or a complainant. The Authority imposes an order in fewer than half of its determinations in which a complaint has been upheld.

The BSA finds imposing orders a challenging aspect of its work. It is aware that there are wide-ranging views about the appropriateness of orders, and would appreciate comments from readers on the subject. Take the opportunity, readers, and write down your comments, and send them to:
BSA, PO Box 9213, Wellington.

Broadcasters are supposed to maintain programme standards consistent with:

If you feel a programme has breached one of these standards, you can make a formal complaint. You must complain first to the broadcaster. Then, if you are dissatisfied with the broadcasters response, you can refer the complaint to the Broadcasting Authority for independent investigation and review.

Here are your options to make a complaint:

[1] By informal phone call

- Phone the radio or TV station.
- Ask for the person in charge of complaints.
- Identify the station, the programme and the incident you wish to complain about.
- Discuss the matter.

[2] By informal letter

- Write to the radio or TV station.
-They say they will give your letter full attention and reply as soon as possible.

[3] By formal complaint

- Fill out a complaints letter (click here for sample). You must write within 20 days of the programme complained of.
- Post it to the radio or TV station.
- The broadcaster is legally required to deal with Formal Complaints within 20 days.

[4] By formal complaint to the BSA

- If you are not happy with the broadcasters response, you can refer the complaint to the Broadcasting Standards Authority for investigation and review. You must do this within 20 working days following receipt of the broadcasters response.
- A fuller explanation of the complaints procedures is provided at the BSA web site.
- Samples of formal complaint forms can be viewed here.

[5] Send a complaint to your local MP

- Write a letter detailing your complaint.
- Post it to the MP, Parliament, Wellington (no postage is required).

Suggestions for making complaints re. TV

Complaints can be for violence or any other offensive thing you see.

  1. Note down immediately the action you are offended by, the time, date, and channel as well as the programme it occurs in. (Helpful if it is also for an advertisement as well).
  2. Contact the station which has presented the offensive viewing you have seen. The BEST way is by writing a letter or sending a FAX (don't forget to request a reply!) However, if you are unable to write, a phone call is better than nothing.
  3. In your letter clearly state:
    1. The channel you were watching,
    2. The time and date (including morning or evening)
    3. The programme in which it occurred
    4. Then explain what was the offending thing and why you found it offensive e.g. too violent; excessively violent; unacceptable for that time of night when youngsters are watching; unacceptable for family /anyone watching because...
    5. Request a reply to your letter.
  4. Address your letter using one of the addresses above.